生物多樣性與空間統計 人口統計與精算保險 賽局與決策



l          余清祥、涂明蕙、梁穎誼(2024),“A Spatial Analysis of Health and Longevity of Taiwan People”, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issue and Practice 49: 384-399 (SSCI)。

l          梁穎誼、余清祥、梁舒涵(2023),“空間異質性檢測方法之比較及其在臺灣主要死因的應用”, 《人口學刊》, 66, 1-40 (TSSCI)。

l          余清祥、梁穎誼、郭柔芸(2022),“地理加權迴歸在視覺化分析之探討”, 《中國統計學報》, 60, 208-232 (ECONLIT)。

l          余清祥、梁穎誼、林佩柔(2022),“健康、醫療利用與人口移動的關聯”, 《地理學報》, 80, 55-80 (TSSCI)。

l          Yue, C.J., Clayton, M.K. and Hung, C.(2022),“Comparing Nonparametric Estimators for the Number of Shared Species in Two Populations”, Diversity, 14(4), 243. (SCI).

l          余清祥、林志軒(2020),“A Statistical Analysis of Chinese Writing Style in Xin Qingnian 新青年 (New Youth Magazine) in the 1910s and 1920s”, 《Rivista degli Studi Orientali(東方研究雜誌)》, XCIII, 4, 167-181。

l          余清祥、葉昱廷(2020),“以文字探勘技術分析臺灣四大報文字風格”, 數位典藏與數位人文,第6期,67-94。

l          Leong, Y. and Yue, C.J.(2017),“A Modification to Geographically Weighted Regression”, International Journal of Health Geographics (SCI), 16:11. DOI 10.1186/s12942-017-0085-9.

l          Yue, C.J., Ho, L., Pan, Y., and Cheng, W. (2016), “A Quantitative Study of Chinese Writing Style based on the New Youth Magazine”, Concepts & Context in East Asia, Vol. 5, 87-102.

l          何立行、余清祥、鄭文惠(2014),“從文言到白話:《新青年》雜誌語言變化統計研究”, 東亞觀念史集刊 (THCI),第七期,427-454。

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M. (2014),“A Multiple-Community Overlap Measure based on a Probabilistic Approach”, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, (SCI), online: 27 May 2014. DOI:10.1080/03610918.2013.827715

l          Wang, T. and Yue, C. J.(2013),“A Binary-based Approach for Detecting Irregularly Shaped Clusters”, International Journal of Health Geographics (SCI), vol. 12(25).

l          Wang, T. and Yue, C. J.(2013),“Spatial Clusters in a Global-dependence Model”, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology (SCI), vol. 5, 39-50.

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M.(2012),“Sequential Sampling in the Search for New Shared Species”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (SCI), vol. 142(5), 1031-1039.

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M.(2011),“The Effect of Migration on Similarity Index”, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (SCI), vol. 40(3), 412-423.

l          Dexter, F., Yue, C. J., and Dow, A. J. (2006),“Predicting Anesthesia Times for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiological Procedures”, Anesthesia & Analgesia (SCI), vol. 102, 1491-1500.

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M. (2005),“Similarity Measures based on Species Proportions”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (SCI), vol. 34, 2123-2131.

l          Dexter, F., Wachtel, R. E., and Yue, C. J. (2003),“Use of Discharge Abstract Databases to Differentiate Among Pediatric Hospitals’Operative Procedures: Surgery in Infants and Young Children in the State of Iowa”, Anesthesiology (SCI), vol. 99(2), 480-487.

l          Yue, C. J., Clayton, M., and Lin, F. (2001), “A Nonparametric Estimator of Species Overlap”, Biometrics (SCI), vol. 57(3), 743-749.

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M. (1999), “Comparing the Number of Species in Two Populations: Group Sampling Case”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (SCI), vol. 28(2), 467-477.

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M. (1999), “Bayesian Sequential Tests for Comparing the Number of Species in Two Populations: A Simulation Study”, Sequential Analysis (SCI), vol. 18(1), 57-79.

l          余清祥(1998), “統計在紅樓夢的應用”, 政大學報(TSSCI), 第76卷,303-327.

l          Yue, C. J. and Clayton, M. (1996), “Bayesian Sequential Tests for Comparing the Number of Species in Two Populations”, Sequential Analysis (SCI), vol.15, 185-210.



l          余清祥、王信忠、張定中(2024),“Application of Type II Diabetes Incidence and Mortality Rates for Insurance”, PLOS ONE, 19(9):e0307508. (SSCI)

l          余清祥、王信忠、劉宜臻(2024),“Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to Explore the Need for Long-term Care”, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issue and Practice 49: 400416(SSCI)。

l          Jack C. Yue, Lu, I., Chang, J., and Lin, C. (2023), “Analysis of Outpatient Prescription Trends of Non-Narcotic Analgesics and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) in Taiwan from 2010 to 2021: A Nationwide Population-Based Study”, Engineering Proceedings, 55(1), 7. (Scopus).

l          Hsin-Chung Wang, Jack C. Yue, Ting-Chung Chang, and Ting-Chen Chang (2023), “Morbidity Compression and Cancer Insurance”, Journal of Demographic Economics, 89: 465-482. (SSCI).

l          Jack C. Yue, Chao-Ting Lin, Yu-Lin Yang, Yi-Chun Chen, Wan-Chen Tsai, and Yin-Yee Leong (2023), “Selection Effect Modification to the Lee–Carter Model”, European Actuarial Journal 13, 231-234. (ESCI). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13385-022-00312-6

l          蘇真慧、余清祥(2022),“Cancer Insurance Longevity Risk Management – A Natural Hedging Approach, ”《財務金融學刊》,30(1):33-56 (TSSCI).

l          余清祥、王信忠、陳譽騰(2021),“年輪變動比用於小區域人口推估的探討”, 《人口學刊》,63: 99-133. (TSSCI).

l          Huang, R.J., Jeng, V., Wang, C., and Yue, C.J. (2021),“Does Size and Book-to-market Contain Intangible Information about Managerial Incentives? Learning from Corporate D&O Insurance Purchase, ”Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI). Published online 25 May 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2021.101560.

l          Chang, C., Yue, Jack C., Chen, C. and Chen, Y.(2021),“Mortality Differential & Social Insurance: A Case Study in Taiwan, ”North American Actuarial Journal 25: S582-S592 (Econlit). Published online: 18 Dec 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10920277.2019.1651660.

l          Su, C.K. and Yue, C.J.(2021),“A Synthesis Mortality Model for the Elderly, ”North American Actuarial Journal 25: S457-S481 (Econlit), Published online: 01 Nov 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10920277.2019.1651659

l          Yue, C.J., Wang, H. and Wang, T.(2021),“Using Graduation to Modify the Estimation of Lee-Carter Model for Small Populations, ”North American Actuarial Journal 25: S410-S420 (Econlit). Published online: 16 Nov 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10920277.2019.1650288.

l          Yang, S.S., Yeh, Y., Yue, C.J., and Huang, H.(2021),“Understanding Patterns of Mortality Homogeneity and Heterogeneity across Countries and their Role in Modelling Mortality Dynamics and Hedging Longevity Risk, ”North American Actuarial Journal 25: S132-S155 (Econlit). Published online: 18 Dec 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10920277.2019.1662315.

l          余清祥、簡于閔、梁穎誼(2020),“健保資料與抽樣調查”, 《調查研究─方法與應用》,第44期:97-130 (TSSCI).

l          余清祥、王信忠、許筱翎(2019),“從全民健保評估高齡人口的醫療需求”, 《人口學刊》, vol. 58, 89-120. (TSSCI).

l          Wang, Hsin-Chung, Yue, Jack C., and Tzu-Yu Wang (2019), “ Do Domestic Immigrants Live Longer? An Approach for Estimating the Life Expectancy of Small Populations, ”Migration Letters, vol.16 (3), 399-416 (ESCI).

l          Wang, H., Yue, C.J., and Chong, C.(2018),“Mortality Models and Longevity Risk for Small Populations”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (SSCI), vol. 78, 351-359. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.insmatheco.2017.09.020.

l          Yue, C.J., Wang, H., Leong, Y. and Su, S.(2018),“Using Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to Model Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (SSCI), vol. 78, 318-324. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.insmatheco.2017.09.016.

l          王信忠、余清祥、王子瑜(2017),“臺灣原住民族死亡率暨生命表編撰研究”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), Vol. 55, 99-131.

l          王信忠、余清祥、陳怡萱(2016),“高齡死亡率模型的探討”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 52, 1-42.

l          Wang, H., Yue, C.J., and Tsai, Y.(2016),“Marital Status as a Risk Factor in Life Insurance: An Empirical Study in Taiwan”, Astin Bulletin (SSCI), vol. 46 (2), 487-505.

l          陳芝嘉、余清祥、蔡偉德(2015),“921震災對中老年人死亡風險的影響”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 50, 61-99.

l          Wang, H. and Yue, C.J.(2015),“Mortality, Health, and Marriage: A Study based on Taiwan's Population Data, ”North American Actuarial Journal (Econlit), vol. 19 (3), 187-199. DOI: 10.1080/10920277.2015.1019518.

l          Yue, C.J. (2015),“Are We Approaching the Upper Limits of Life?”, Contingencies, Jan/Feb, 36-43.

l          鄭宇庭、李政豫、余清祥(2014),“量化專家意見與人口推估”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 49, 41-68.

l          蔡偉德、陳芝嘉、余清祥(2014),“老人醫療利用的價格效果-以921震災的自然實驗為例”, 《經濟論文》 (TSSCI), vol. 42(4), 599-645.

l          Yue, C.J. (2012),“Mortality Compression and Longevity Risk”, North American Actuarial Journal (ECONLIT), vol. 16(4), 434-448.

l          王信忠、金碩、余清祥(2012),“小區域死亡率推估之研究”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 45, 121-154.

l          Yue, C.J. (2012),“Mortality Compression and Longevity Limit”, Contingencies, Jan/Feb, 42-45.

l          王信忠與余清祥(2011),“規律折扣數列與高齡死亡率”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 43, 37-70.

l          Yue, C. J. and Huang, H. (2011),“A Study of Incidence Experience for Taiwan Life Insurance”, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice (SSCI), vol. 36, 718-733.

l          Li, M., Shieh, T., Yue, C. J., Lee, P., and Li, Y. (2011),“Parabola Method in Ordinary Differential Equation”, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (SCI), vol. 15(4), 1841-1857.

l          余清祥與曾德宜(2010),“高齡化社會對公務人員退撫制度發展的啟示”, 人事行政季刊, vol. 172, 18-25.

l          陳政勳與余清祥(2010),“小區域人口推估研究:臺北市、雲嘉兩縣、澎湖縣的實證分析”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 41, 153-183.

l          Yang, S.S., Yue, C.J., and Huang, H. (2010),“Modeling Longevity Risks using a Principal Component Approach: A Comparison with Existing Stochastic Mortality Models”, Insurance in Mathematics and Economics (SSCI), vol. 46, 254-270.

l          顏貝珊與余清祥(2010),“2010年各國人口普查制度之研究”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 40, 203-229.

l          Huang, H., Yue, C. J., and Yang, S. S. (2008),"An Empirical Study of Mortality Models in Taiwan”, APRIA , vol. 3(1), 150-164.

l          郭孟坤與余清祥(2008),“電腦模擬、隨機方法與人口推估的實證研究”, 《人口學刊》(TSSCI), vol. 36, 67-98.

l          余清祥,黃泓智與陳志昌(2007),“類神經網路應用於擬定汽車保險費率”, 《風險管理學報》 vol. 9(2), 149-172.

l          賴思帆與余清祥(2006),“台灣與各國生育率模型之實證與模擬比較”, 《人口學刊》(TSSCI), vol. 33, 33-59.

l          Chang, et al.(2006),“Effect of Potassium-Enriched Salt on Cardiovascular Mortality of Elderly Men”, Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SCI), vol. 83, 1289-1296.

l          黃泓智、余清祥、楊曉文與黃彥富(2006),“隨機投資模型與長期負債投資避險策略之研究”, 《證券發展季刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 17(4), 1-40.

l          黃泓智、劉明昌、與余清祥(2004),“台灣地區重大傷病醫療費用推估”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 29, 35-70.

l          黃泓智、林家玉、與余清祥(2004),“癌症醫療費用之推估:馬可夫鏈模型之應用”, 《保險專刊》 vol. 20 (1), 29-51.

l          余清祥與藍銘偉(2003),“台灣地區生育率模型之研究”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 27, 105-131.

l          黃意萍與余清祥(2002),“台灣地區生育率模式的推估研究”, 《人口學刊》 (TSSCI), vol. 25, 145-171.

l          余清祥(2002), “死亡率的降低對於退休金純保費的影響:台灣地區的實證研究”, 《壽險季刊》, vol. 125, 9-20.

l          Yue, C.J. (2002), "Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries", 《人口學刊》(TSSCI), vol. 24, 33-57.

l          Yue, C. J., Hu, D. Y., and Chang, C. (2001), "Projections for the Old Age Mortality in Taiwan: a Method Based on Incomplete Data", 《人口學刊》(TSSCI), vol.22, 1-18.

l          連宏銘與余清祥(2000), 終身癌症保險費之釐定”, 《保險專刊》, vol. 62, 76-119.

l          余清祥與陳仁泓(2000), "日本與新加坡的高年齡死亡率是否符合Gompertz 函數" , 《壽險季刊》, vol.117, 21-39.

l        余清祥與連宏銘(1999), "台灣地區死亡率現況的實證研究" , 《壽險季刊》, vol.111, 2-16.

l        余清祥與胡玉蕙(1999), "從美國經驗探討抽樣在普查的新角色" , 主計月報, No.522, 60-66.

l        余清祥(1998), "婚姻能延長壽命嗎--台灣與美國的實證資料研究" , 《壽險季刊》, vol.107, 91-104.



l          Jack C. Yue, E.P. Chou, M.H. Hsieh, and L. Hsiao (2022), "A Study of Forecasting Tennis Matches via the Glicko Model", PLOS ONE (SCI).

l          Lee, Y., Altschuld, J.W., Chiang, F., Yue, C.J., Sung, H., and Chang, C.(2021), "Effects of Augmented Feedback with Error Self?estimates on Vocational High School Students’Motor Skill Learning", Vocations and Learning (SCI). online June 2021.

l          Yang, C. and Yue, C.J.(2019), "Cooperation in an Assortative Matching Prisoners Dilemma Experiment with Pro-Social Dummies", Scientific Reports (SCI), vol. 9, 13609.

l          Yang, C. and Yue, C.J.(2010), "Assortative Matching, Information and Cooperation: An Experiment", Economics Bulletin (SSCI), vol. 30(1), 414-420.

l          Yang, C., Yue, C. J., and Yu, I.(2007), "The Rise of Cooperation in Correlated Matching Prisoners Dilemma: An Experiment", Experimental Economics (SSCI), vol. 10(1), 3-20.

l          Yue, C. J. (2004), “A Note on the Optimal Strategies of a Two-stage Bandit Problem”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (SCI), vol. 33(7), 1577-1585.

l          Yue, C. J. and Chang, C. (2002), “A Study of a Number Guessing Game”, the UMAP Journal, vol. 23 (4), 111-123.

l          Yue, C. J. (1999), “Generalized Two-stage Bandit Problem”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (SCI), vol. 28(9), 2261-2276.

l          Lu, M. and Yue, C. J. (1996), “The Advantage of Second Guesser in a Two-person, zero-sum Game”, 政大學報 (TSSCI), vol. 73, 439-450.